
Showing posts from August, 2016

Future Youth

You stole my youth but you will never have a hand in my future. My future self thanks you for giving me these children. My youth wants to kick your fucking ass. My future wants to move along but my youth past doesn't give it a pass. My youth is decaying like the flowers that will wilt on my future grave. My future is the road ahead, my youth the one that paved


ALONE Where my soul moans My guts groan Which is worse, the pain or the anguish The mental or the physical The days or the weeks The minutes or the hours Every moment different than the rest Racing mind, heart, body Body can not keep up, body is wearing thin Mind is getting better Heart will never heal Heart will never forget If only I could just forget FORGET

forget or forgive

Forgiveness Forgetness How do you give these When nothing is all you get To forgive To forget There is no easy way To get these things met Forgiving Forgetting Is an act of acceptance Does not mean you don't deserve penance Forgive Forget