
Showing posts from May, 2019

Beautiful Disease

Tragic tastes like love on my lips I am the hot side of the pillow Flip me to find your comfort Sexual transmission A beautiful disease No course of antibiotics can cure You can try to detox But you will never sweat me Out of your system Discard me like a peanut’s covering You’ll find yourself cutting your foot On the misplaced shell I will creep through your immune system Wreak havoc on your serotonin and dopamine Devour your energy and feed my own With the remnants Until all you are left with Is a incoherent whisper Of what could have been


When the rest of the world Needs to feed on your petals All I want is your scratches Draw blood with your thorns Let the breeze know When you’re ready to bloom

Thinking about you

The memory of you Assaults my brain A dodge ball Back and forth  In my mind  Cracking my skull With each hit I can’t avoid it You aren’t even aware That you threw the ball Icy tears Fall from my fluorescent eyes Freezing the scowl on my face My muse for half a year now Countless ways  You make things beautiful Countless words That you will never read Now these thoughts  Come from an overflowing void I can erase you From my presence  From my body From my phone I want you in the pocket Of my lonely heart But you can’t fit the whole ocean In a pond Tell me this was my imagination Tell me it meant nothing Make me hate you Let me forget you Even though all I want Is to remember 


Being real does not serve well No one wants to hear the truth So we embellish and deceive Something we learn in our youth Lies melt in your mouth Not in your mind Your body reveals your intentions The truth hides behind the eyes


Place me on a pedestal It's easier to throw your rocks at me But do not put me on your shelf To take me down and dust me off Whenever my gleam catches your eye That eye that never belonged to me I wanted to be the salt in your sea But I'm just as graceful being seaweed Waves crash with your receding tide Endlessly spitting back what it no longer needs White froth disappearing as quickly as it's stirred You can not possess the ocean All you can do is cherish it's magnificence

Sour Apple Oceans

Secondary sour apple green Meets primary ferocious red All the resulting colors Are better off left for dead A mess of deep brown Dark and filthy Oozes from the source of pain The results are nothing but a stain So I will let the ocean spray Reveal the colors I forgot I had Rinse me back to life While you go back to your wife