
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Dragon

The cycle begins. Hour one. The first flutter of nausea starts to grow, stretching its angry wings within. Something will soon be very wrong as the body prepares to void. An application of heat to a tender set of intestines, lends hope that the wave of retching will be absolved. The trash can a holy chalice in which to spit. Hour two. Anti-emetic drugs like children's Tylenol for an elephants pain. Any attempt to stop the Dragon is thwarted. The purge begins. Hour three. Denial still floats the boat. The stomach now an empty quivering cavern. Maybe this time will be the last time vomit is induced. There are no more nutrients to lose. Trying to utilize the power of breath but ceaselessly failing. I am stronger than this hateful beast. Hour four. Call for help. First from my own flesh, then from an ambulance. Into focus comes two pairs of black boots with no faces, asking the same questions. Don't they have a file by now? What is your name, your birth date, your medications,...

You're Crazy In General

"You're crazy in general". It only takes eleven years to figure that out. Eleven years of knowing nothing knows crazy when he sees it. A blind eye to a father's betrayal knows crazy. From the mouth of babes the word crazy is trained from the first apple off the tree. In general, a ball of bitch always ready to bounce. Overinflated and agitated. A magnet attracted to lies, lust, and loss. Trying to be. Trying to be both to all three. Mother and Father to these sister and brothers. The only voice of reason, is crazy, in general. Crazy doesn't count the kisses on foreheads tucked into bed. Crazy counts the heartbreak that catches up to break her. Crazy counts the chasers that don't even want to chase her. Crazy counts the ways that could permanently erase her. Generalizations lead to rationalizations that are not always what they seem. The crazy climber climbs her own walls. Digs her own trenches and drowns her own selfishness to feed the three little fish ...


Inaccessible, you say? Then let's go that way Wrong turns Never leading astray Do Not Enter! Let me just knock on that door Never quit asking for more There is no vacancy Love is occupied Closed for the season Need no reason supplied Danger! Danger! High voltage bitch Stop frying yourself on the wire A warning never heeded Same mistakes repeated Poison is sweetly succulent Again on a street with no outlet Dead End

Outright Spite

How do you get your spite just right? Do you do it with words? Do you do it with fists? Do you do it by getting someone put on the terror list? Can your malice fly high on the strings of a kite? Is your spit laced with venom Aimed to blind deserving eyes? Leaving them with a hindered hind sight Are you able to exist in this darkened light? A defiant nuisance of reminders Spoiled by disdain and contempt The fight never becoming too trite For those that are touched by wicked slight Outright truth that leaves you quite contrite Let this be your beginners lesson Never bring a calf to a bullfight

Candy Coated Catastrophe

Candy coated catastrophe All the sickly sweet colors of the rainbow A kiss of a different color Sometimes nut covered Pleasantly full of cherries Always a salty pale nougat My piƱata detonates Starbursts of a lost lovers eyes Licorice whips and jawbreakers Are all that survive Her. She. Betwixt. Snickering at the crunch Of a conversation of heart Sizzling red hot on the tastebuds It's fun to dip the tongue Into a sour patch Good and Plenty Now and Later