
Showing posts from May, 2022

Baby Obituaries

Obituaries  Are not meant  For ten year olds The are for the elders Who have had paragraphs Full of life With children  Who will carry on To keep their memories alive Obituaries  Are not meant  For elementary students  They are meant for sudden illness  Crashes, accidents, or Cancer’s gruesome grip As a way of solace A remembrance Of some life’s trip But how do you pay tribute To a life yet to be lived The loss of potential Snuffed out by another kid How many more children  Have to watch their friends die All while looking a steel killing machine Dead in the eye Obituaries  Are not meant  For school kids They are meant for old men With more guns than sense  In bed with the NRA A bullet for me And two for you When will something change?

Lonely Love

My loneliness means love. It means that I love myself way too much to settle for some man’s crumbs. My loneliness means I will not waste any more of my gifts on the ungrateful. So you will leave me your gifts, then leave me. Micro dose or overdose. The result is always the same. Until there is someone whose fingertips can trace the crimes committed by the men that were here before and not flinch, I will be in love all alone.

Dark and Lovely

To those of you  That don’t speak but Still look at me After all this time Perhaps thinking The grass might be greener  Over here I assure you  That what I stand on Is just as charred and dark As what’s under The feet of Your queen  So stay  Where it's Safest For you

Gypsy Man

Gypsy man His religion is to roam A beggar for love His heart has no home Gypsy man Teaches the scheme A giver on the take Treat us all like queens Gypsy man We are all waiting For the grand finale of  This game you’ve been playing  I kind of like  This solo type life So I’ll never be converted Into someone’s clueless wife Gypsy woman watches Gypsy woman sees Knows what she wants Doesn’t care what he needs