Look At This Man

Look at this man. Can you see the shame in his eyes? I can. That’s the look of a man that abandoned 5 children in the United States only to flee the country, running away from all of his business and personal responsibilities, just to start a third family in some carefree gorgeous paradise. That’s the look of a man that owes my three children and I over $72,000 in back child support and alimony. Not to mention how much he owes to the girl he cheated on me with for the two kids he spawned with her. On a side note, I wonder how she feels about him these days? Doesn’t this man look proud? Just look at him! This 40 plus year old man dressing and acting like he’s still in his 20’s. He’s still so vivid and virile! He has to be in order to keep up with that pretty little young thing he has impregnated. I am highly doubtful she is even out of her 20’s. She didn’t like the fact that I posted this photo of their new happy family on my social media stories a few days ago, so I decided ...