There is No Union in these States

This is the first thing I saw this morning and I have been agitated ever since. Republican men CONFIDENTLY wrote and sponsored this bill. It only lacked 9 votes from being passed. This coming just as my ten year old daughter finds a love for basketball. What we really need is a bill mandating genital inspections of the members of the House and Senate to see who might actually have the balls to stand up to this shit. Now he wants to ban protests. He wants to take our voice. Women’s voices. Voices with foreign accents(except his mail order bride). LGBTQ voices. He’s threatening universities financially if they allow protests. I’d rather die than bow down to that raping tang tinted ape. That halfwitted bag of rotten monkey piss could mutilate and dismember their great grandma and they would just say it was her time to go. As I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying, there is no low they will not support. He can do whatever he wants and as long as he’s hateful about it, they don’t fucking car...