
There is No Union in these States

This is the first thing I saw this morning and I have been agitated ever since. Republican men CONFIDENTLY wrote and sponsored this bill. It only lacked 9 votes from being passed. This coming just as my ten year old daughter finds a love for basketball. What we really need is a bill mandating genital inspections of the members of the House and Senate to see who might actually have the balls to stand up to this shit. Now he wants to ban protests. He wants to take our voice. Women’s voices. Voices with foreign accents(except his mail order bride). LGBTQ voices. He’s threatening universities financially if they allow protests. I’d rather die than bow down to that raping tang tinted ape. That halfwitted bag of rotten monkey piss could mutilate and dismember their great grandma and they would just say it was her time to go. As I’ve said before and I’ll keep saying, there is no low they will not support. He can do whatever he wants and as long as he’s hateful about it, they don’t fucking car...

Andrw Tate is a bitch

Rapey rapers gotta stick together. These fucking weasels believe they are the pinnacle of masculinity. This is just a way for Trump to further try and intimidate women. Gentlemen, if you are not combative of these ultra macho types of men, you are part of the problem.


I am the masticated remains Of all the people  That have munched me up  And regurgitated me out So forgive me if I am no longer Appetizing to you The next one to try and take a bite Will surely choke on my gristle

The Admiral Apprentice

 Must be tremendous to be He who orders executively The leader, the Potus, the boss Winning instantly becomes a loss Has to be paramount to be the man With no apparent purpose or plan Repeal. No deal. Whatever he feels This fancy rat continually squeals Isn't it magnanimous to be A fool fueled by ego driven lunacy Crying fraud left and right Twittering like a turkey all night Truly it's so rewarding to be A lieutenant boasting authority Dripping greed like beads of sweat The entire world wears a frown of regret How comforting it must be To have the support of the wannabe Nazis Fire and fury at your fingertips Hate and ignorance fall from your lips Is it ever so satisfying to see The chief ambassador of wars yet to be The shirtless Russian's bent over puppet Tooting his own horn like a worn out Trumpet Does it trip the world's trigger To play Russian roulette with the Korean dictator These three little men with all their vigor Out to prove which ones unit is bigger How v...


All you need is your own fire Teach those flames how to reach Never ignore your demons Keep them on a thin leash  Feed them graciously  Give them special treats  Stop trying to keep them meek Attach them to the pit of your heart So they never miss a beat Don’t let them keep you quiet Learn to use them when you speak

Now what?

What do you do when you’ve unpacked all your trauma? You’ve folded it all neatly and put it away. Donated what you no longer need. Now what? Why is this suitcase still chained to my ankle?
I’ve decided to just continue along with my quest to add more beauty into this world. It’s not my responsibility to bring the ugly to light, it will do that all by itself, even though I’m pretty good at articulating it. Nobody that could actually do anything about the issues I’m concerned with gives a shit anyway, so what’s the point? I should just forget it and get over the fact that America elected a rapist for their president, right? I should just stop crying about it and move on, right? Well here you go America. Here’s a fistful of flowers with a hearty fuck you behind it. I’m sure you’ll get exactly what you deserve, one way or another.