I have found a fresh love for words these days. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I have at least a thousand words to say about this picture. The first one that keeps coming to mind is TROLLOP. Let me give you a little vocabulary lesson. Word origin: approximately 1605-1610 a derivative of the word troll in a sense of rolling about or wallowing. Definition: an immoral, vulgar, or disreputable woman Synonyms: bawd, harlot, slattern, tart, puta, ramera, zorra, and my favorite, puttanesca I put these words in the air for any, all, or no one to read. I know social media will do its job and this will get to its intended target one way or the other. Does it make me "crazy" to say these words about her? Far from it. Heartbroken? Most definitely. Immature? Maybe. Am I "psycho"for being furious at this girl? No. Bitter? Absolutely. Of course I know he is much more at fault than...