I have found a fresh love for words these days. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, I have at least a thousand words to say about this picture. The first one that keeps coming to mind is TROLLOP. Let me give you a little vocabulary lesson.
        Word origin: approximately 1605-1610 a derivative of the word troll in a sense of rolling about or wallowing.
         Definition: an immoral, vulgar, or disreputable woman
          Synonyms: bawd, harlot, slattern, tart, puta, ramera, zorra, and my favorite, puttanesca

I put these words in the air for any, all, or no one to read. I know social media will do its job and this will get to its intended target one way or the other. Does it make me "crazy" to say these words about her? Far from it. Heartbroken? Most definitely. Immature? Maybe. Am I "psycho"for being furious at this girl? No. Bitter? Absolutely. Of course I know he is much more at fault than she is, but she played her role. Toying with my engagement ring one day, mentioning how beautiful it was, she most definitely played her role. (Where is your ring? Let's compare! Maybe you can get him to buy mine back from me since you liked it so much. I need to sell the damn thing anyway. I'll give him a great price!) "Crazy" and "psycho" are words used to shame women into submission. They sum up basically the worst things that society says a woman can be. Those words are diminutive and demeaning. Now, you might say that I am doing the same thing by using similar words to describe the girl in the picture. Frankly, I don't give a shit what anyone thinks about me or these statements. They are for me. The only way of releasing them from my mind. I just happen to do so in this public forum. If I could only paint her face with a Scarlet Letter A. I haven't had the pleasure of being face to face with her since I found out. I saw her last around the time this picture was taken and posted on our joint Facebook account by my EX.  This picture showed up as a memory from last year, thanks for remembering, Facebook! A  Braves game with my oldest son in attendance. A seemingly innocent work outing. Go Braves!! I cropped him out of the picture because he should never have to be in the presence of that half of HIS homewrecker, even if it is just in photographic form. It was around a year ago. I saw the way you looked at me that last time I worked at the restaurant. You and your sister. I felt it. My fucking soul felt it, but my mind and heart needed to catch up. I had no reason to be jealous of the likes of you. You were insignificant. You still are. So, here we are 6 months into this and I am becoming. Evolving. A renaissance, so to speak. Should I thank her for this? For showing me the truth of that person I married? I remember quite well what it is like to be a 19-20 year old nitwit, thinking you are indestructible and that your actions have no consequence. I by no means was perfect back then. Perhaps now I am paying for my past indiscretions, but really that's bullshit, because it is like taking some of the blame from them. What I do know is that I never destroyed anyone's dreams, business, lives, or marriage. We have been replaced. Replaced before we even knew we were gone. Starting a new family, due in about 4 months, or so they say. They have taken my children's father out of their lives. Maybe you two were meant to be together. Soul mates! I'm so glad you two soured individuals found each other. I am left to believe that she was worth losing it all for. Our marriage, our family, our business we dreamed about for a decade? Little girl, do you really believe you are that important? Do you believe you have won something? It is laughable.

I can not say that this is the last time I will feel the need to express myself in this way. If I was Taylor Swift, I'd write a song. If I was Beyoncé I'd make a visual album. These  words are all I have. I can say that this is my penultimate message, specifically to HER. She is coming for you. Not me, but an icy lady who shares with me the letter K as the first one of her name. She is Karma. She is going to throw you on your face and you will be split open like a PIÑATA. When all of your candy is spilled all over the ground, I want you to think of me, because I will be there, with a shit eating grin on my face, snacking on your starburst and skittles. Your punishment is him, and his is you. One day he will blame you for all he has lost. Wait. Prove me wrong. Last longer than I did and I'll cook you dinner. I might not even spit in it! By the way, I hope you didn't drink  or eat anything that you left in MY refrigerator the last time I was in MY house cleaning out our things. I am not in any way ashamed to feel this way. I have nothing to feel guilty about. This is my story. My truth. As much as this preface has been a horror, I have yet to even start to write my book yet. I am sure I will find forgiveness, someday. I have no choice. For him already somewhat, if only for the sake of our children, but I had no vows with her. Forgiveness for her? Not today. Thank you to the state of Georgia for their swift divorces. He's all yours. What are you going to do with him now? Your life is so ruined, you naive little girl. I hope he is every bit the daddy figure you so desperately thought you needed.
🖕🏻Bruttissimo MAIALE🖕🏻


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