Nonna!  Perche'? Why?
When your son killed me, all of our eyes cried
Where were you? You never even once tried
Pictures I sent, letters I wrote
All met with coldness, not a single word you spoke
My daughter, named after you
You have never met and have no plans to
Why don't I baptize my children, you ask
It is my decision to make, not yours
If heaven is where self righteous people like you end up
I want no part of it, that complete crock of shit
Archaic thought as old as the Roman ruins
Nose in the air, pointing your finger like some divine human
A different culture you say?
So why send your boys over here to stay?
Italy.  You put us on the map?
All you did was set my trap
I took it upon myself to learn your language just to speak with you
All I did was love your son, my intentions were always true
If I was not good enough, then tell me who is?
When this is all your boy, the blame is all his
The Juevenile is better?
Let me tell you what
She learned from her father how to be a slut
So Mango Magee is a better woman?
With a head so empty, perfect to take a shit in
How to destroy peoples lives with no show of remorse
She is a train wreck waiting to jump off course
Us American girls are the best thing to happen to your sons, any one
Take them all back, their damage here should be done
Each worse than the next
A triad of buffoons worse than all the rest
Mal tiempo my storm has passed
From you there is nothing more I ask
Your silence fills the void
A void with a hole which you can't avoid
With your heart as black as a crow
I'll give you something you can understand
Ciao Nonna! Va fan culo!


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