
     "That's my mommy!", says my two year old little girl as he buckles her snug in the backseat. She is bigger each time he sees her. He is her daddy, but he doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know a life where her mommy knows her daddy. She has to reintroduce us. She says to me, almost daily, "My daddy loves me". "Yes baby, he loves you very much", I say stone faced. He just doesn't love me. Apparently he never did. Please don't grow up and find a man like this. He will make you sick! That's her daddy, nobody knows what makes him tick, but I will tell you this, please pardon my French.
     He never will give a fuck. Just like she didn't. Just like him, and him, and him. No one gives a shit, unless it is concerning a fuck. For a motherfucker to give a fuck, that fucker has to give a fuck about the mother. Instead, he made another bitch a mother. Along comes the next one, tallest one, trying to hard to be the perfect one. He thinks I don't know where that turtle went. I knew the entire time. Go back and hide under that tortoise shell. This one was my mistake. Both of us give more than we could take. Onward to the least of the jerks, opening up a long closed door. I don't think he could help himself, destined to sabotage. You can probably find him down at the compound. The fun we had was a true waste. I love that motherfucker, but I cut him off before he could create his own escape.
     "That's my mommy". You are goddamned right, and this bitch right here doesn't need a motherfucker to fuck her over. I am quite capable of doing that on my own volition. I need no  permission and I know all the sinister intentions. I'm a  lie detector in a perpetual state of tension. You need to bring your truth or don't speak to me at all. If this sounds cold, I don't want to be, but it's hard to warm the fuck up with all the icebergs in the sea. They took the Titanic down, but they won't take me. "Hello! I'm her mommy! It's nice to fucking meet you". Actually, it's not. I don't want to know him anymore either, my freedom has been bought and paid for. I grew a garden and fertilized it with his shit. It's a magnificent wonderland now, no longer a dank pit. No one will pick these wild flowers, pull these petals off. I am now an artificial flower, the color fades, but the bloom is still there. My thorns stop anyone from stripping my stem bare.


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