Eternally Mine

All of my words mean
At least two different things
So if you think you get their meaning
You'll do well to think again

This poetry is for the one and only
I love me and no soul is lonely
There is little desire
To please beyond my needs

I will not chase you
My lungs can't keep up the pace
Instead of your pictures
I'll gaze upon my own damn face

Fall in love with
The only one that matters beyond forever
For the hundredth time
A thousand more even better

I am eternally mine
A divine swine
Dressed with the fortune
Of upper middle class guilt
The doors never close for me
They are revolving and endless

You are free to come and go
If I leave myself vulnerable
The only one to blame is me
I sculpted you into what
I wanted you to be

The roulette is Russian
So have no fear
You felt the warmth of my heart
Can you feel it harden too?
Do it before it gets done to you

The king's seat is vacant
I am the queen of my dreams
The throne is not shared
Nor the crown that I wear


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