Bug Eyed POS

Apparently, Bill Cosby doesn't like it if you call him a bug eyed piece of shit rapist on all of his Instagram posts. He will block you for it. He can't block me from talking about him on my own time and isn't that one of the things that's great about America? Now let me tell you why it is not. 

I grew up watching the Cosby Show. This man was a wholesome father figure for millions of people during the eighties. He was also a sexual predator. He admitted to using his power and fame to manipulate women. In his own testimony, he admitted to the use of sedatives to enhance his sexcapades. Why would a man with that much fame and money need to drug women to get what he wanted from them? Because he is a twisted fuck of a human being. And he is, by far, not the only one.

But he was convicted and it looked like maybe women could finally have a win. Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein both ended up where they belonged. Maybe women were going to start being listened to and believed. Or maybe I was just being that naive teenage girl that was once raped herself.

You may say that the old coot is no longer a threat to anyone, and sure we all know his pudding pop hasn’t worked in years. But the threat is that he is was let out in the first place, not his flaccid noodle.

Dozens of women came forward in the Cosby case. I think the total was around 60. But don't we all know that a lot of women, if not the majority, do not speak out when they are sexually assaulted. It took me twenty years to speak publicly about mine. So if 60 women came forward, how many more do you think there were that did not come forward, but are still living privately with that horror?

I hear all these people saying that those women asked for it and they knew what they were doing when they took those pills. If you say these types of things, than you are a rape apologist and you are blaming women for their own assaults and you make me fucking sick.

I also hear a lot of people saying that this is all just a way to make a well loved pillar of the black community into a villain. A rapist is a rapist no matter what skin color or job occupation. If you say these types of things, I would tell you to get better role models. If I am out of line here, by all means, please give me a better understanding.

Think of the women that you know in your life that have been sexually assaulted. Now, compare that with the amount of men that you know that have been charged with assault. 

These men are your fathers and brothers, your friends and coworkers. I guarantee that you know a man that has been sexually inappropriate with a woman. You have worked with a man that has date raped one of your friends. These men are walking around with families and businesses and will never pay the consequences for their crimes. 

If men do not start looking at themselves and speaking up about this shit, it will never get any better. Every day, women are losing more and more rights over our own bodies. Most, if not all, in the name of religion. If men were the ones being dragged behind dumpsters, I suspect they might care a bit more. 


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