Thoughts on Freedom

It's been a while since I wrote a little rant, but this has been heavy on my mind. Everyone these days is so concerned about their freedoms. Living in the U.S. I have had this drilled into me since elementary school when we are all forced to swear allegiance to a flag every morning before class began. We in America are the most fortunate people in the entire world because of all that freedom!

Let's start with the First Amendment of the Constitution, our nation's bible. This gives me the freedom to express my ideas through speech or through protest. As a writer, this will always be my sweet spot. I can basically say whatever I want, aside from threats. It doesn't matter if it's a lie or not. Doesn't matter if it hurts your feelings or not. All that matters is that I cherish this freedom above all others.

The First Amendment also grants us all the freedom to practice whatever religion we want. This also means I have the freedom to not have any religion at all. My freedom is infringed upon any time someone tries to force their religion down my throat. For instance, I've never been tempted to gather a group of nonbelievers and go door to door trying to sell them my idea of religious freedom. The only thing I have ever sold door to door was Kirby vacuum cleaners.

On to the Second Amendment, by far one of the biggest sources of problems in this country. Everyone wants the freedom to carry a murder weapon. The bigger the murder weapon the better! They want to be able to carry their assault rifles to the mailbox in case the postman tries anything sneaky! They want to be able to protect themselves from a bad guy with a gun! They want the freedom to feel like a tough ass because clearly they don't have enough self confidence in their fighting skills without one.

Those murder metal, penis extending bang bangs are nothing but role play props for the insecure. They need that freedom to play GI Joe or better yet, they play patriot. If you want to play with those guns, go to the military where they belong. Guns are for war or hunting. They aren't for you to buy for your teenage son so that he can go shoot his school up during his role play. My right to have my children go to school without fear of being murdered by a classmate is much more important to me.

The next few amendments we have concern unreasonable search and seizure and the rights of people that are accused of crimes, such as the right to a fair trial by jury, and freedom from excessive bail or cruel and unusual punishment. After that, the one that caught my eye was the Ninth Amendment, which states that listing specific rights in the Constitution does not mean that people do not have other rights that have not been spelled out. And if I think about it, this is where it all gets discombobulated. 

There is a large portion of this freedom loving United States that are still willfully unvaccinated. No one is going to give them that poison!(Even though they've all had vaccine mandates their entire lives and never once questioned what was in those medicines, from the boomers to Generation X or Z or whatever the hell it is now) Some of these people go so far as to seek out fake vaccine cards. This is more of that role play I was referring to earlier. Kind of like teenagers that want a fake I.D. so they can pretend they are adult and can purchase alcohol. Only the unvaccinated are role playing that they have empathy and compassion towards humanity with their ignorant faked cards. That they have the intelligence to deny medical science.

The people that are shouting fraud at a vaccine from medical science should be last in line for medical attention. Period. If you can't be bothered to take a simple shot, you don't get the audacity to beg for that same medical science's help when you get sick. These selfish fucks are swamping the system with their Covid cases, meanwhile people with Cancer or kidney stones have to postpone surgeries and treatments because their aren't enough beds or human resources to tend to them.

A lot of these same people are also vehemently anti-mask and have been the entire 2 years this pandemic has been happening. No one is going to make them wear a face diaper! You aren't going to muzzle their children! More role play, only this time it goes back to that freedom to feel like a tough ass. Freedom to play pAtRiOt!! If you can't do something as simple as wear a piece of cloth over your mouth to help protect, not only yourself, but others around you, then you are the opposite of a tough ass.

So, my ultimate question is where does your freedom to be willfully ignorant trump my freedom (see what I did there?) to keep myself and my family safe? Where do your Ninth Amendment unspoken rights become more important than mine? 

I can't fault anyone for being or getting sick, but I can damn sure fault you for not having the decency to give a fuck if you or I do. And I can't count on anyone else to keep me and others around me safe, but I should be able to count on you enough to at least want to try. I can't tell who is vaccinated or not by their lack of mask, so my mask will remain. That's really all I can do, yet I'm looked down on because of that thin piece of cloth.

Now tomorrow I get to go in to work with no fucking help because the staff is all sick. Their freedom to not wear a mask or go out and barhop was more important than my freedom to not have to do the job of four different fucking people at work. I am so done with all of it. If this feels like I'm talking about you, I probably am. My freedom to hurt your feelings comes with this freedom of speech. Nice, huh? No one has my well being in mind, selfishness reigns supreme, so why should it be any different for me?

I know for myself, I have done all that I can to keep myself and my kids safe from guns. I have done all I can do to keep us all safe from this fucking disease. I will continue to do the same and burn bridges with those that do not. Let freedom ring!


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